500P~ 700P
High School graduate
Regular work
Qualifications: ✅️ willing to take the Psychological Online Test ✅️ with or without experience ✅️ loves body massage ✅️ at least 18 years old ✅️ at least high school graduate ✅️ absolutely drug-free ✅️ positive working attitude ✅️ hardworking in bringing clients to the spa and with integrity ✅️ if you are into illegal substance, please do not apply Please submit your resume to [email protected] or directly submit your resume to the spa. Please text 09175633008 when you are done submitting your application documents.
Easily Create Your Resume!P. Basubas St Tipolo Mandaue City
Part-time job
Mandaue City Pegasus Bldg. Hernan Cortes St. Subangdaku, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines
Cebu City Eo Optical Sm City 6000 Cebu City, Philippines