1,000P~ 1,500P
Regular work
DRIVER / MAINTENANCE *Practicing safe driving habits *Following all state and national safety regulations and standards *Accurately following routes, maps, and directions *Keeping the exterior of the vehicle clean and presentable *Maintaining vehicle equipment; replacing oil, filling gas tanks, and general motor vehicle maintenance as needed for safety *Cleaning windows, windshields, and mirrors as needed *Keeping interior of vehicle clean of debris and clutter * Loading and unloading vehicles *Completing documentation such as logs, mileage, or cargo and passenger reports *Following schedules and rerouting in a timely manner when faced with traffic or congestion *27-35 years of age *At least a high school graduate * Driver’s license restrictions 1, 2, and 3
Easily Create Your Resume!Mandaue City 1f Flc Center Hernan Cortes st, Subangdaku Mandaue City
Cebu City 2nd Floor Primeway Plaza F. Ramos Street , Cebu City, Philippines
Mandaue City Sacris Rd. Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines